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Pidgin English in China

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Inscrit le: 25 Oct 2005
Messages: 6529
Lieu: Etats-Unis et France

Messageécrit le Friday 22 Sep 06, 0:29 Répondre en citant ce message   

I just came back from China.

It is amazing to see that, everywhere in China, vendors in the streets use the same expressions. They all address you with "Hello. Cheaper for you!" and they all use "Older" when they mean "very old." In a previous Babel subject, we noted that "Pidgin English” is derived from "business English", that is the language of commerce, big and small.

It is interesting to note that, if you are not Asian, you are assumed to speak English. English is not regarded as the language of England or the United States; it is regarded as the language of the rest of the world. It seems that we are doing the same thing when we assume that all Chinese speak Mandarin.
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2005
Messages: 366
Lieu: Aberdeen (Ecosse)

Messageécrit le Saturday 25 Nov 06, 1:24 Répondre en citant ce message   

Basically, a pidgin is a simplified language used by two traders who do not speak each other's language and who use another language -which they cannot usually speak properly-. Their use of this language is usually limitated to a few words, then it grows and, as the two speakers become aware of each other's lexicon stabilises. sourire

Note that when a Pidgin is translated from a generation to another, it becomes a creole.
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Inscrit le: 25 Oct 2005
Messages: 6529
Lieu: Etats-Unis et France

Messageécrit le Saturday 25 Nov 06, 1:53 Répondre en citant ce message   

Voir aussi pidgin (anglais).
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