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Mots de vieil-anglais ayant survécu en anglais US

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Inscrit le: 25 Oct 2005
Messages: 6529
Lieu: Etats-Unis et France

Messageécrit le Saturday 10 Jun 06, 3:26 Répondre en citant ce message   

L'anglais americain comprends des mots qui ont disparus en anglais britannique et que l'on considère comme américanismes.

fall "autumn," gotten (past participle of get), obligate, acclimate, doghouse, rider "passenger," sidewalk, pavement "road surface," faucet, spigot, coverall, necktie, range "cookstove," letter carrier, attorney "lawyer," misdemeanor (law), teller (in a bank), crib (for a child), plat, pillow "cushion," pocketbook, night table, to name for, station house, wastebasket, skillet, raise (a child), and diaper

Dernière édition par Jacques le Friday 10 Jan 14, 22:51; édité 2 fois
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Inscrit le: 23 Jul 2006
Messages: 137

Messageécrit le Wednesday 26 Jul 06, 7:04 Répondre en citant ce message   

Does anybody know whether American "have" for "have got" is a survivor or a restoration?
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Inscrit le: 02 Mar 2007
Messages: 36
Lieu: Pawtucket, RI

Messageécrit le Wednesday 13 Jun 07, 15:33 Répondre en citant ce message   

Leo a écrit:
Does anybody know whether American "have" for "have got" is a survivor or a restoration?

Some people here in the US also say "have got", although it's usualy, just " 've got" or even "gotta".
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2005
Messages: 366
Lieu: Aberdeen (Ecosse)

Messageécrit le Thursday 12 Jul 07, 13:43 Répondre en citant ce message   

Note that although there can be a semantic difference between have got 'to have, possess' and have got 'must/ have to (do); gotta can only mean 'must/ have to(do)'
I have got a cat and a dog.
I have got to go

* I gotta a cat and a dog.
I gotta go.

The construction 'pronoun + have' must be the oldest one -of the two suggested. Indeed, get 'acquire' was and is still a lexical verb when used on its own:

I got a book from my granny last year, it's a nice one.

But at some point in the history of english, it was added to the construction 'pronoun + have' to reinforce have. In the end, get was grammaticalised (See Hopper and Traugott Gramaticalization) and through the process, lost all its semantic content I have got no longer means 'I have acquired' but 'I have.').
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