Etymological Basque Dictionary

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atze - Etymological Basque Dictionary-French-Spanish-English
Behind. From atz "trail, trace".
Detrás. De atz "rastro, huella"
Derrière. De atz "trace".

(B, G) Last, ultimate. From atze "behind" with superlative.
(B, G) Ultimo, posterior. De atze "detrás" con superlativo.
(B, G) Dernier, ultime. De atze "derrière" au superlatif.

Calf with narrow arse. From atze "arse" and zorrotz "thin, sharp".
Ternero con trasero afilado. De atze "trasero" y zorrotz "afilado".
Veau au cul étroit. De atze "derrière, cul" et zorrotz "effilé".

Etymological Basque Dictionary


Contact : Michel Morvan