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modor - Etymological Basque Dictionary-French-Spanish-English
Lethargic sleep, dizziness of sheeps From *mod-/motz "blunt" with nom. suff. -or.
Sueño letárgico, mareo de los ovinos. De * mod-/motz "embotado" con suf. nom. -or.
Sommeil léthargique, étourdissement des ovins. De *mod-/motz "émoussé" avec suff. nom. -or.

Cut tree, trunk, stupid, clumsy. From *mod- "cut, blunt" (sp. modorro "stupid, clumsy").
Arbol cortado, tronco, estupido. De *mod- "cortado" (cast. modorro) "estupido".
Têtard (arbre), tronc dépouillé, bête, stupide, rustre, balourd. De *mod- "émoussé, coupé" (cast. modorro "sot, lourdaud").

Etymological Basque Dictionary


Contact : Michel Morvan